A bit of a peek into the essence of my writing, nodding to the concept that everyone has their unseen battles, and that in recognizing this, we find a kind of solidarity and understanding. - Extract from “Mr.Mathews”
I stand gazing out the front room window, observing people as they go about their day. I imagine everyone has the perfect life, but the reality is, no one does. There's always something happening with someone—drama, adversity, grief, money worries—we all experience them. My thoughts linger at the forefront of my mind. On the surface, you never truly know what is going on in someone’s head, how they feel, what they think, or what they’ve been through.
As I watch a mother hurriedly pushing a pram, a businessman talking animatedly on his phone, and a teenager lost in their music, I reflect on the hidden struggles each person might be facing. The mother might be dealing with sleepless nights and the pressures of parenthood. The businessman could be under immense stress from work, trying to balance his career and personal life. The teenager might be grappling with self-identity and peer pressure.
My own life is far from perfect. I have my share of worries and fears, but I find solace in the thought that I am not alone in my struggles. Everyone has their battles, and sometimes, just acknowledging this shared human experience can bring a sense of connection and understanding.
I take a deep breath, feeling a bit lighter, and resolve to be kinder to myself and others, knowing that everyone is fighting their own unseen battles.