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Washburn's new novel, DIY EXORCISM, is a thrilling and terrifying journey. This isn't your typical horror story. His sharp, lifelike descriptions and emotional depth make for an unforgettable read. The intensity of the scenes is palpable; I found myself needing to step away, reflect, and seek solace in scripture to regain my calm. This book redefines the possession genre with its unique and gripping narrative. Hats off to Washburn for creating such a powerful tale. I’m eagerly anticipating what he’ll come up with next!
Dante Mitchell is a husband, a father, and a pastor in a small Ohio town. Being a community figure comes with inherited pressure as he steps into the shoes of his late father.
With expectations mounting, his life is crumbling around him as he tries to manage his personal issues, along with the separation from his wife.
As Dante adapts to the new arrangements, his godly duties, commitment to his community, and the shared parenting of his ten year-old son, Mason, he manages to do it all…until one weekend his son begins to act out of character.
It is clear that evil has slithered into their nest when one night conflict leads to Dante handcuffing his son to the furnace in the basement. He believes his son to be possessed.
Desperation looms with few options to maintain his highly regarded public image, and keep this heinous act from his ex-wife a secret.
Where prayers go unanswered, search results do not, as he seeks help from the internet to perform an exorcism on his son. If you want something done right, do it yourself.
Things are made more complicated as Dante and his son face very different demons.
The isolating torment that follows demonstrates that some things are better left to professionals.
“David Washburn will take you to hell and back, after the Sunday potluck, of course.”
—Angela Sylvaine, author of Frost Bite and Chopping Spree—
“Nothing is as it seems when you're looking up ways to perform a DIY Exorcism!”
–A.W. Mason, author of Judy Martin’s Final Curtain Call–
“Washburn’s latest novel, DIY EXORCISM, is a twisted gut-punch of a story that will have you questioning every possession book you’ve ever read.”
—Amy Tackett, author of The Gala—
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